Sunday 22 April 2012

Strange Boyfriend Behaviors

4 Kinda Strange Boyfriend Behaviors

When you first start dating a guy, it's easy to fall hard and fast. The reason: He's on an all-out mission to charm the pants off you...literally and figuratively. "The wooing stage is about selling himself and putting his best foot forward," 

Once he's succeeded in sweeping you off your feet though, you'll start to notice various changes in him. Some are nice — he seems so much more comfortable with you, for instance. But others may come across as negative or just plain bizarre. Here's a surprise: That kind of behavior can actually confirm that he's stuck on you like glue. Confused? Don't worry, we explain it all here.

 1.He shows his vulnerability. 

Many guys think women are looking for the kind of dude who exudes strength and confidence minus the macho bit. So that's the kind of persona he likely tried to cultivate when he was pursuing you. Once he's accomplished that, he may let his softer side emerge. 

"Most men want to appear strong and in control, but behind that facade, they want to be nurtured," 

If you play your cards right during your guy's time of need, he'll get into the habit of letting down his emotional guard and opening up to you more often. And what girl doesn't want an emotionally available man? So just listen, try to empathize with him and offer your support. "By positively reinforcing his vulnerable behavior, you're encouraging him to be that way with you," says Los Angeles-based psychologist Yvonne Thomas. But beware of the "mommy" trap. "He wants understanding, not babying," says Cloud.  And make sure you don't let these heart-to-hearts become a one-way street. It's important for you to turn to him when you need comforting as well. 

2. He takes fights to the finish. 

Despite their penchant for body-crushing sports and blood-and-guts action flicks, guys tend to shy away from confrontations with chicks. "Many men feel overwhelmed fighting with their partners," , "They are not as comfortable expressing their emotions as they perceive women to be and, therefore, try to avoid contentious situations." 

So if your man steps outside his comfort zone to duke it out with you (verbally, of course), it's a pretty sure sign that he's in this twosome for the long term. "A man who is willing to stand up to you and assert himself intends to be around awhile," says Ferguson. "If he wasn't that interested, he'd play the compliant card." 

Granted, arguing may not be your idea of fun, but it can actually bring you and your man closer. "Couples build intimacy through conflict," says Ferguson. "It's how they deepen their knowledge of each other." The trick is knowing how to fight fair. It's not about name-calling, blaming or even winning. "When you are fighting for things that are important and to resolve a problem, you'll both end up more satisfied in the relationship,"

3. He guards his guy habits. 

Men are fiercely protective of their buddy time. But when a guy is in hot pursuit, and he'll be available for the woman he's with pretty much any time she wants him. That explains why you and your man spent so much together time early on in the relationship. But once that love bond is formed, they feel the need to balance out their social life and reclaim playtime with their buds again. 

So it makes sense that once your guy realizes he's hooked on you, he'll try to carve out more male-bonding opportunities. It doesn't mean he's cutting you loose; it's just his way of overcompensating for falling so hard. "His fears about losing his independence may lead to his need to assert his autonomy so he can prove to himself — and to you — that love hasn't taken away his freedom," says Deborah Anapol, PhD, author of The Seven Natural Laws of Love. 

The best way to deal with these new interruptions in your 24/7 together time is to give him some slack.some one said "I really love being with my girlfriend, but when it initially dawned on me that I had been spending all of my time with her, I kind of freaked," he recalls. "My previous girlfriends always gave me a hard time when I wanted to be with just my friends. But the first time I decided to go out of town with the guys, she told me she was glad because it gave her a chance to see her own friends. Knowing she had plenty going on in her life without me was a relief." 

girlfriend's one smart cookie. By sending the message that she wasn't going to crumble without him, Matt didn't feel trapped and desperate to get in his guy time. "It's important to allow him his space and to take your own and trust that it will even out," says Anapol. "The best thing you can do when your guy pulls back is to take your attention off him and keep it on yourself."

4. He stops talking as much. 

You already know that guys aren't big on emoting. So when you start dating a dude who's willing to talk to you for hours on end, sharing all the juicy details of his life, you probably feel like you've snagged a rare gem. That is, until you're an actual couple and he adopts a monosyllabic conversation MO. It's understandable that you'd feel like he's shutting you out, but he's letting you know (not deliberately) that he's content and comfortable with you. 

"If your formerly verbal guy becomes close-mouthed, it means that he feels so relaxed with you, he doesn't need to impress you anymore," explains Thomas. "Once there's a real connection, you can be together without talking. It's a deeper form of intimacy because you're being more genuine with each other."



  1. Our relationship is long distance relationship and we won't be able to see each other till the end of the year. We've been together for four months. We talk on the phone nearly every night but there seems to be so many awkward silences I don't know if that's normal or not. I feel like our conversations are full of "I love you" and "I miss you". He's had many girlfriends in the past and says that I'm different from them but I feel like I'm boring him, he is my first boyfriend and I'm really bad at this whole relationship thing. I really love him and I want us to work. What do I do???

  2. Hi,
    even better if you people are not talking, you should notice that even if you people are not talking then too he feel relaxed and , i m sure he never complained about silence.

    and if you feel so that it is a sign of bad relationship then you should talk to him about your friends circle (NOT BOYS)and day to day activities, try to be creative in your conversation . make something up , you are girl.. we are talkative


If you have any relationship problem do let us know .we will try to help you